August 2018 Prayer Letter…

Dear praying friends, 

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” – 3 John 1:4

Greetings from North Carolina. Yes, we are home on furlough and we are adjusting to life here in the States. Ever heard of reverse culture shock? Well, it is real and we are just now getting over it after being home for a few weeks.

So many of you have been so encouraging to us with regards to Ivana’s miscarriage. For those who have not heard, three days before our departure from Brazil we went in for a routine ultrasound and, to our surprise, we found that the baby had no heartbeat. The baby had died in the womb three weeks prior and we had no idea. It was a very long day in the hospital as Ivana underwent doctors’ visits and procedures.

We know that all things work together for the good to them that love God and to them that are called according to His purpose. We lost the baby, but Ivana is in good health. You see, we could have traveled home not knowing that Ivana had had a miscarriage and Ivana could have become very ill here in the States. The Lord made sure we found out about the miscarriage at the right time while we were still near Ivana’s gynecologist in Brazil.

We were choosing names. We had plans, but God’s ways are perfect. Thank you all for your prayers and kind words of comfort to both Ivana and myself.

We rejoice as we continue to hear good things from the Jacumã Congregation. Pastor Maxwell is doing the work of a faithful pastor. He cares for the flock and the church can see that care in him. Soraya is a faithful pastor’s wife and is working so well with the ladies and the children. The church is growing in its love for this couple and we feel only joy as we see that the Lord is meeting the needs of that church plant we love so much. Our time in Jacumã may be coming to a close.

We left the field feeling that the Lord is bringing our 15 years of ministry in that church plant to a close. It is a wonderful feeling. Please pray that God will continue to bless that church with spiritual and numerical growth. Pray that we will return to the field to find that we are no longer needed in any capacity in the Jacumã church.

Where do we go from here? Pray with us for His perfect leading!

Well, we look forward to hearing from churches that have not yet scheduled with us. If you have not contacted us yet, please do so. We would love to come and give a report!

God bless each one of you.

Jeff and Ivana Reiner (for the girls)

Winston Salem, NC.

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