Prayer Letter April 2024…

Dear praying friends,

We love Him because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

Well, I have been approached by one of you and asked if I would give an update on our family. This is something I have done very little of late and I do agree that it is overdue. Many times I get wrapped up in furlough trips, ministries, future travel plans, and prayer requests that I simply don’t leave any room to talk about how we as a family are doing. Sorry about that.

Ivana stays busy keeping our family fed and going. She is the first to get us packed and ready for trips. She has helped me drive to and from meetings when I get tired. It is not all ministry. Ivana enjoys shopping here in the US, but not where you might think. She loves Goodwill stores and, wow, does she ever have a way of getting a good deal.

Nicole (15) is our little athlete, She had the opportunity to play on a homeschooling volleyball team this past year. She was welcomed by the team and coach (thanks Coach Peggy!). Nicole absolutely loved it and made so many new friends. Go Guardians! She also has enjoyed the many activities with the youth group at our home church (Grace Baptist Church – Winston-Salem). 

Emilie (12) is our gymnast. She gets around places by doing cartwheels and front-walk-overs. She is our little spelling bee (something she did not inherit from her father!) and she too enjoys time spent with the youth group here at Grace. All of these friendships and communities will make it very difficult to say goodbye once we return to the field.

What about Jeff? Boring! He enjoys hunting and shooting sports… things he does not get to do in Brazil. He also enjoys hiking and being outdoors in general. 

Our family is getting into “return to the field mode.” We are beginning to look at tickets and various ministry opportunities in the state of Paraiba. Once we return to the field we will be surveying at least three towns that need the Gospel. Will you pray with us that the Lord will lead us to the place He would have us go?

We have enjoyed seeing so many dear Christians as we travel the country and visit our churches. Our bonds with you dear people have only grown stronger. Thank you for loving us and caring so much for us. Well, by the sound of this letter it would appear we are leaving for the field next week, but in reality we will be heading back to Brazil at the beginning of August.

May the Lord continue to bless you.

In Him!

Jeff and Ivana Reiner… for the girls

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